Performance Evaluations

Leasing Performance Evaluation Shops
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The Leasing Experience

Posing as a typical residential prospect, the mystery shopper will call and visit your community to evaluate the overall leasing experience. Result-oriented reports are detailed and offer both a quantitative evaluation score, as well as a full and complete narrative of the leasing experience.

We also offer survey questions around Fair Housing knowledge, and/or complete the shop with Follow Up data. The Leasing Performance Evaluation Shops include a menu of other specialized reports such as Telephone Only and Email response shops.

Telephone Shops

Telephone evaluations are a quick way to identify areas of weakness in what is often the first point of contact for your prospects.

The leasing associate’s telephone verbal presentation will be evaluated. Specific areas include: Greeting, Qualifying, Ability to Entice the Caller, Appointment Setting, and Direction Delivery.

Results are provided via a professional, quantitative written report. Calls can be recorded as well.

Internet Shops

Prospects are “driving” to the Internet to see your properties! To stay competitive and to take advantage of this contact, your staff must respond to Internet inquiries in a professional, timely, and effective manner.

We measure and evaluate communication received/delivered through your web advertising sites.

Video Shops

Our discrete shoppers can provide you with streaming video results of the Performance Evaluation. Equipped with the latest in covert recording equipment, you receive a video recording of the shop and a recorded phone shop for a targeted order, or no telephone section for an on-site-only visit.

All video shops include a quantitatively scored survey report.